2007-09-26,Prof. dr. Kornelis Blok visited the lab. and gave a lecture
2007-06-08,Two professors of University of Nevada, Las Vegas visited the lab. and delivered lectures.
2006-12-02,A group of 35 Mechanical Engineering students from University of Twente, The Netherlands, visited the lab.
2006-10-19,Prof. H. Honda (Kyushu University, Japan)visited the lab. And gave a lecture《Theoretical modelling of condensation and evaporation heat transfer in horizontal micro-fin tubes》
2006-08-25,Prof. Y. Kawaguchi, (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)visited the lab. and gave a lecture《Drag-reduction and heat transfer characteristics of a novel zwitterionic surfactant》
2006-04-21,Prof. Huang S.Y. was visited our lab. and delivered a lecture
2006-03-27,A delegation of Science and Technology Advisors to the Secretary of State visited the lab
2006-02-23,Prof. Lishui Wang, Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, visited the Lab.
2005-12-16,Yanhe Ma, Ministry of Science and Technology of PRC, visited the Lab
2005-12-15,Xueqing Yang, Ministry of Education of PRC, visited the Lab.
2005-07-28,The technology of Showcase for Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival
2005-07-22,Prof. Mueller-Steinhagen(University of Stuttgart, Germany) visited the lab. and delivered a perfect lecture
2005-07-12,Prof S.G. Kandlinkar(Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY., USA) visited the lab. and delivered a wonderful lecture.
2005-07-02, Prof. CF MA participated the 5th International Symposium on Multiphase flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion.
2005-07-01, Dr. HS WANG(Queen Mary, University of London)visited the lab.
2005-07-01,Prof. SC YAO (Carnegie Mellon University) visited the lab., and delivered a wonderful lecture.
2005-06-02,The expert panel of Beijing Education Commission visited the lab.
2005-04-01,Prof. dr. ir. Martin de Wit visited the key laboratory
2005-03-28,Prof. S N Tay visited the lab and gave a report
2005-02,Prof. Chongfang MA Attended The Type of Conservation City Innovation Development Forum.
2005-02,Prof. Chongfang MA was interviewed by CCTV.The video
2004-07-30,Ms J. YU (Greenpeace China, Beijing) visited the lab.
2004-06-17,Prof. Hongbin MA (University of Missouri-Columbia) visited the laboratory and gave a perfect lecture: High Efficient Heat Pipes.
2004-06-15,Dr. Huasheng WANG (University of London) delivered a lecture: Condensation in Microchannels.
2004-06-10,Dr. W ZHANG(ZSW, Baden-Württemberg, Germany), visited the laboratory.The 1st Kick-off Meetingfor the Sino-German ProjectGZ207(101/7) was successfully held.
2004-06-04,Prof. HT LIU (Miami University, USA) visited the lab.
2004-06-04,Prof. SC YAO (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) visited the lab. and delivered a lecture.
2004-05-24,Prof. CF MA, Dr. YT WU participated the5thEU-China Energy Cooperation Conference, andEnergy issues in transport ? CO-OPETSecond Announcement Conference, two papers in English were presented, respectively.
2004-01-08,Prof. A.E.Bergles visited the lab. and delivered a lecture.
2003-12-10,Dr. Ramesh K. Shah (Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, USA) visited the lab. and delivered a lecture.
2003-10-17,Prof. S. B. Riffat, Prof. Tony Marmont, (from the University of Nottingham), visited the lab., and delivered lectures, respectively.
2003-10-10,Prof. W.D. NI, Academician of China Engineering Academy visited the lab. and delivered a report.
2003-09-15,TAODA HIROSI (Group Leader of Ecomaterials Research Group, Cermics Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced industrial Science and Technology(AIST))visited the lab. and delivered a report.
2003-09-10,Dr. Tay Seow Ngie of Nanyang Technological University is delivering a report.
2003-08-26,Prof. Ronald Roversl, Head of International Sustainable Building Support Center, visited the lab., and delivered a report.
2003-06-08,CHEN Chuang-hong, Vice-Director, QU Feng-hong, Department of Rural and Social Development, Ministry of Science and Technology of the P.R.C. visited the lab.
2003-06-03,Professor Y. Zeng is visiting the Lab.
2003-05-30,Kathryn Pongonis Second Secretary,Environment,Science & Technology of American Embassy Beijing visited the lab.
2003-4-10,Prof. C.F. MA (a member of the official Chinese Delegation) participate 2nd Sino-German Workshop on Fuel Cells on Castle Reisensburg in Germany.
2003-03-21,Prof. T.S. Zhao delivering a report.
2003-02-28,Chinese Communist Secretary of the Univ. SUN C.Z., Vice-President ZHANG Z. visit the Lab.
2003-02-17,Dr. Hugo Ent, Dr. Theo Hafkenscheid of NMI visited the lab.
2002-12-19,Dr. Yan Xiaojun, from Davis, University of California, is delivering a report.
2002-12-23,Dr. W.Q. Yang, from UMIST, is delivering a report.
2002-12-17,Associate Professor Tay Seow Ngie of Nanyang Technological University is delivering a report on energy storage technologies.
2002-11-26,Professor Y. Nakayama which is the president of Future Technology Research Institue of Tokai University visited the Lab.
2002-09-09 ,Professor Zhao Renkai,an academician of both Academy of Sciences and Academy of Engineering of China is visiting the Lab.
2002-08-28,Dr Rune Aarlien from SINTEF Energy Research Norway is delivering a report on advanced heat pumptechnology and its applications.
2002-07-15,Professor Ma is talking with Mr. Kawamura, the chief representative in China and Mr. Arakawa Tetsuro, the chief representative of Beijing Representative Office of Daikin Industries, Ltd. to establish a bilateral cooperation relationship in both scientific research and high-tech products development
2002-06-18,Professor A. E. Bergles is accepting the letter of appointment that invites him as the honorary director and professor of the Lab fromProfessor Zhou Dasen,the Deputy President of Beijing University of Technology.
2002-06-12,Professor A E Bergles (middle) is holding a fuel cell plate that was manufactured by the Lab.
2002-06-03,Dr. Win Aung of NSF, Prof. P. J. Hicks, dean of UMIST and Dr. V. K. Schutz, former president of IEEE Education Society are visiting the Lab.